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THE 20 FOR 20 CHALLENGE Buy Bundle (20 videos) THE 20 FOR 20 CHALLENGE
Take a 20 minute class, for 20 days straight. A mix of fitness, yoga and mindfulness to get you on track for the rest of the year. Included is: Yoga -20 to middle splits -20 to crow -20 to headstand -20 to splits -20 to wake up -20 to sleep -20 to full wheel -20 to yogilates core Fitness -20 to strong -20 to core -20 to tone -20 to sculpt -20 to cardio -20 to butt & back -20 to arms and abs -20 to jab Mindfulness -20 to stretch -20 to ground -20 to mindful -20 to bodyscan See you in class!
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