Bodhiac is an online fitness, yoga and meditation platform. We started our company because we were fanatically looking for good quality videos in every discipline which was hard to find. Most platforms either solely focus on yoga or solely on fitness, and we want to offer the wide range of movement because we believe it is that mix that will guide you to bliss.
-How do I sign up and become a member?
You want to become a member? YAY! Just follow this link or hit the “sign in tab” on the homepage where you will find the option to become a Bodhiac.
-How long is the free trial?
The free trial is 7 days. On the 8th day, you will automatically be charged your monthly fee of 18 EUR unless you cancel your free trial on the 7th day. Your monthly membership will auto-renew if you don’t cancel your membership.
-How do I cancel my membership?
You can cancel any time by heading to the My Account tab when you’re signed in. After canceling your account, you will be able to access your Bodhiac account until the end of the month. We’re sad to see you go but understand that life happens. You can always become a member again when you’re ready!
-Can I purchase separate programs and not become a Bodhiac member?
Yes, we have separate bundles that you can buy. Check them out here!
-On which devices can I watch my classes?
You can access the workouts on your desktop, phone, tablet and TV. On TV you can either use Apple TV, link your chromecast or use an HDMI cord to connect your laptop to your TV.
-How to stream my workouts
iPhone/iPadStreaming: Watching the Bodhiac videos from your iPad or iPhone to your tv screen is possible using Apple TV or Chromecast. To use Chromecast, download the free Chromecast Streaming app in the App Store. Once your device is connected, select “Browser” in the app, put “” in the address bar at the top, select the video you want to cast and select “Tap to Cast Video” at the bottom.
Apple desktop/laptop: Use Chrome or Edge as browser.
Android devices: Stream through Google Home app.